Choosing the Perfect Niche is Vital to your Blog, Business Model and most importantly to your long-term SUCCESS.

Also, choosing the perfect niche market for your blog and business requires a lot of thought and self-evaluation.
I would like to cover more within this post before you dive into creating your first niche blog, finding yourself more confused than ever.
As a writer/blogger and soon to be an online marketer, this is a very critical step and something that requires a lot of thought and in most cases, some trial and error.
Nothing is perfect and finding that awesome niche isn’t going to be easy.
If you’re anything like me, I am the not that decisive and have a lot of interest. I am the type of person that struggles with selecting one niche, and that’s even if my life depended on it.
I entered many niches thinking that it was something I was interested in, but it was far from it.
I wouldn’t say it’s so much the indecisiveness but rather that I really had no clue as to what I was truly passionate about.
The truth of the matter is that I really am pretty good at a lot of things, but I had to find something that I’m super passionate about.
At least in regards to the world of blogging and making money online.
Your First Niche Might Not be Your Last
Remember how I said nothing was perfect?
Because it isn’t.
Chances are that you either picked something because you heard it was profitable or you went with something you thought you were really interested in.
That’s completely normal and you’re not alone.
It took me YEARS before I could figure out what I really liked, so I was snapping up domains like they were free just to have them expire without even working on the sites. And you can even see from the post on my blog how I was all over the place.
I thought I was into fashion, so I got a domain for that.
I thought I could build a site geared towards running obstacle races because I used to love races, but that didn’t work either.
And yes, I got a domain for that too. it was called Scavvenger Hunts.
So you can see the problems I faced when I started and after years of going through different categories, I knew I had to make a decision and sit down with just one, which is really the key to success. And I promise I still struggle with a Niche because my interest is all over the place.
So What is a Niche (Market) Anyways?
We all have our thoughts on such a simple word but putting a finger on it is the real problem.
A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. The market niche defines as the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact
Thanks, Wikipedia!
With all that being said, I’m sure some of you might have had that “aha!” moment and some of you had that “aha! I thought I got it, but I’m still confused” moment.
Whatever the case may be, I’d like to show you how I was able to find my true passion/s through the several years of my online career and you will see I still struggle.
We ALL Start Broad
This is a big problem in the digital world and I’m guilty of it too.
Trying to cover one topic on one site and that was the perfect recipe for disaster.
I know we all think that we can be the next Ryan Lee or Tai Lopez, but unless you have a team of writers to get something like that going, let’s start with the basics so you can actually generate an income from the world wide web or you’ll be in for a world of hurt.
Let’s start with something like Fitness, the ever so popular topic.
Entirely too broad and a great way to get you burnt out and most likely quitting because you didn’t make a single penny.
We’ve all seen the thousands of sites out there and we all want to copy theirs because well, it looks pretty.
Yes, and no.
Look at Men’s Fitness for example.
Not only do they cover all aspects of “men’s” fitness, but they are now covering women!
Definitely not the route you want to take, so don’t copy what you see on this site and others like it.
Do this for ideas, but please (I said please) don’t try to copy exactly what they are doing as this is the best way to get you overwhelmed, lost, and back to the drawing board.
They have hundreds of people writing for them and they have not only the budget, but the skills behind them to make it happen.
I’m not saying that you can’t-do it, but let’s stick with the basics for now until you start making a decent amount of money through your blogging and digital online efforts.
You’re one person and one looking to make money blogging and creating an online digital presence, not another statistic of those “failed” online marketer.
Narrow Your Niche!
Super hard to understand, but please try your best to narrow your niche down to something very specific.
Remember the Men’s Fitness site?
There are many categories on it but don’t let that send you in the wrong direction.
Choosing just one of those menu items is enough to get you started, but even at that, you still want to narrow it down.
You will have more than enough content to create for your site and online presence, so build up this little topic and you can be sure to get rankings, traffic, and ultimately money.
Here’s an Example of how I would break down a topic to find a niche for my blog and online digital business.
> Fitness – Too broad of course
> Demographic – Gender, age, body type, etc
> Type of exercise – Cardio, abdominal, muscle building, etc.
> Focus training – Running, hiking, skiing, etc.
> Focus area – Trail, gym, home, etc.
Just a very simple breakdown, but I’m sure you get my point.
Let’s go with something like a band.
Grab one instrument and start breaking it down from there.
Drum reviews?
How to play the guitar?
Although one of those can work, you can still very much narrow them down.
You Now are Ready for Your Niche
In the End, you want to test, test, and test again.
Figure out what you really want to blog about and what you want people to know about your passion no matter what it takes.
Stay narrow, create engaging content, and the money will follow.
When you feel like quitting, just remember that we were all in your shoes at one point in our online digital careers, so just keep moving forward.
And if you’re still confused about all this or you don’t know where to start, get with the program and join the a Facebook Group that helps you stay focused. Like Digital Business Mastermind.
Get the education, help, and support that you need to be successful online or you’ll keep running in circles.
Did you find your niche?
Please do share your ideas on how you came up with yours or what you think needs to be done to get over the niche hump.